The process of returning home to ourselves and our truth reconnects us to that which we came here on this earth to express in the first place - our own frequency - .
We might have forgotten or lost touch with it along the way because of how we subconsciously interpreted various circumstances in our lives which drifted us further away from our true expression.
This often is also a part of the process though that strengthens this inner connection even more, as you really come to understand something when you experience its opposite.
Duality is everywhere in life, you really know love when you’ve known hate/hurt, you deeply know peace when at some point you’ve known turmoil, you truly know self-acceptance when you’ve rejected yourself at times, etc.
We come to understand life through the contrast of light and dark as they are both parts of it and the more we heal and integrate parts of ourselves that are in conflict within, the easier it becomes for us to navigate with flow and less resistance.
That is why I love the process of transformation having seen its effects on myself, reconnecting with my truth, releasing old patterns that weren’t serving me anymore and were blocking my authentic expression but also seeing the same magic when working with clients and observing people coming back to themselves. Remembering their frequency.
Witnessing a person coming into their power by letting go of the subconscious baggage that kept them repeating the same uncomfortable situations in their lives, only to experience more love and freedom within and to expand in their higher expression, is one of the most beautiful things I get to experience.
I see time and time again how we are here to evolve, to connect with our greatness, to express our uniqueness and that what we thought we have to run away from, is actually what fuels our inner strength when we choose to let go and transform.💫